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Ya Wadud, Ya Wadud, Ya Wadud

My marriage will turn 7 next  month, InsyaAllah. I am blessed to be granted a man who is just not a husband, but he's more than that. He's so special , my love for him grows  each day by the rahmah of Allah, Alhamdulillah.

However, to have such a blessing doesn't come easy and quick unless Allah wants it to be, for example, you have to work hard in your study in order to get the best result, right? Undeniably, we must always tell ourselves that every good thing comes to us is from Allah, alone. Having said that,  if we want to get good grades, we must rely on Allah for that, by following what Allah taught us, which is in this case (read : to pass exams with flying colours), we are demanded to study hard, keep praying and after that, have tawakkul in Allah.

Hence, I would like to share with you that, in order for me to have a good jodoh, I had been taught since my primary school days, to pray for the best one for me. I believe in  the law of qada & qadr , that our jodoh had been written in lauh mahfuz but still, we have to keep praying for both worldly and hereafter happiness because that is what we are meant to be, to pray to Allah because we are His servants.

My mom, who I respect for her patience and perseverance qualities, in spite of her lack of religious knowledge due to the limited education during her young days, had taught me to pray for my good partner even though I was still in my primary school. I remember it was when I was in standard 5 / 6 (11 / 12 years old). That was part of my efforts in getting the best spouse for me. Besides that, things like taking care of your dignity as a woman, keeping your record clean, having good attitude and all the positive matters also are part of the efforts from your side to get a good jodoh for you because all that been mentioned will lead you to a good soul-mate for you. How can you meet a good jodoh when you never put up effort to be a good person, yourself? Be good first  ya!

Along the way, I did meet wrong people, but that's okay because I learned from them about life. Just enjoy what life gives you. Anyhow, everything happens by the will of Allah. You meet the wrong guy, it is the meeting set by Allah, Himself.

Note that I am not bragging on my ibadah here, I am not telling you that I am goodie-goodie. I just want to spread the positive note on how strong and powerful prayers can be. And, I just want to create awareness on how important for you to start praying for your goodness early, start praying for your jodoh early even though you are not sure that you will get married or not in the future, even though you are still single now. Allah just want you to communicate with Him and rely on Him alone. Create the bonding with your God by the channel of praying and talking to Him on any matters , without feeling shame. He already knew what you wanted anyway.

Image from Pinterest
Sharing : Ya Wadud. My mom shared with me about this name of Allah S.W.T.  couple of years ago. She said that she got the knowledge from her late grandma's sister. Now that I have been blessed by a great spouse, my effort should not stop here, right? As per my mom's advice, doing zikr of Al-Wadud name, as such, mentioning Ya Wadud as many as we like, is very good but she never told me in details. When I learned that it means The Loving One, I believe by keep saying it, with the hope that it will strengthen the love between our spouse and us, Allah will make it happen for us. It's all in the Nawaitu. So this is one of my efforts for my happiness and stability in marriage as well, Alhamdulillah for the wisdom.

However, everyone has their own life journey and paths.Let's say, you keep praying but you don't get it, never despair, Allah always has the best plan for you.There are people who fail in their first marriage and live happily after that, with their second (or any number, doesn't matter) one. Life is about living happily and wisely with all the options served for you, hence, enjoy your paths, you only live once, YOLO! If it is destined for you that in this world, your happiness is not in your marriage , it means that your soulmate is there for you, in the perfect beautiful Heaven, InsyaAllah. Remember, you must enjoy your life ok! :)

Nisha <3


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