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Hyperemesis Gravidarum ......(3rd degree of morning sickness T_T )

Little did i know that I would experience severe morning sickness( ms) during my pregnancy.

Ya Allah, sangatlah menderita, merana tetapi sebenarnya itu adalah ujian dari Allah SWT untuk wanita mengandung supaya menguatkan lagi keimanan kita. Besides, kesakitan itu adalah kafarah dosa so kena sabar banyak2.

Alhamdulillah, sampai 4,5 bulan je ms yang teruk ni and masa 5 bulan pun dah tak sekritikal masa mula2 pregnant.

I was diagnosed for hypremesis gravidarum.. Apa tu? Ok, check this out.

"Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a complication of pregnancy characterized by intractable nausea, vomiting, and dehydration and is estimated to affect 0.5–2.0% of pregnant women.Malnutrition and other serious complications, such as fluid or electrolyte imbalances, may result.
Hyperemesis is considered a rare complication of pregnancy, but because nausea and vomiting during pregnancy exist on a spectrum, it is often difficult to distinguish this condition from the more common form of nausea and vomiting experienced during pregnancy known as morning sickness." ---> source: wikipedia

Yang sedihnya, ramai yang tak tahu apa tu HG, and consider my morning sickness ni biasa2 je, so mereka cakap "bersabarlah"..ok takpa lagi, memang patut bersabar pun..tapi ada pulak yang cakap "i dulu lagi teruk"...nak cakap dia pulak yang teruk, hello? had u been diagnosed as HG sufferor? sebab orang selalu ingat HG ni macam morning sickness yang mereka hadapi tu. Then yang paling sedih, i know la i'm one of the "lambat pregnant" woman as i got pregnant after 2 years of marriage, but u cannot say like this " nisha kena tahan, nisha dah lama nak anak, kena sabar la"..hmm this is not about i wasn't being patient enough, it was because of the HG... HG can kill its sufferors in a way, mentally i would say.. Tapi takpe la, ini semua pengalaman and yes, i should be more patient when i'm in pain..and always look things positively..

Memang masa tu tak kuat iman jadinya, Ya Allah Ya Rabb, ampunkan diriku yang sangat lemah ini. Baru sedar iman tak cukup kuat dan baru sangat2 menghargai nilai kesihatan yang sebenar. Bila kita sihat, semuanya indah, boleh beribadah dengan best, boleh enjoy our life dengan best. Memang kesihatan yang baik adalah satu nikmat hidup dari Allah SWT yang paling berharga. Health is wealth, indeed!!

I got IV drip 4 times during my pregnancy due to severe dehydration..  The first time when I was in the triage unit hospital putrajaya.. First time kena drip..First time kena warded..Arghh serious bosan kena warded kat PBBR (pusat bersalin berisiko rendah). Rasa nak nangis je, asyik tengok jam tunggu bila my husband datang to visit me.. Dalam 3,4 hari kena warded.

Then. second time IV drip was at Hospital Pakar An-Nur. Tengah malam, tak tahan sangat sebab dehydration and severe heartburn..Heartburn yang sangat sakit rasa macam nak mati. Dehydration sebab 12 kali muntah, makan apa pun tak boleh. I couldn't keep anything down, even water. Everything just wanted to come out, did not want to stay in my tummy. I really appreciate my husband's kindness in helping me to get through this challenging phase in my pregnancy journey. Alhamdulillah, Allah have granted me a good, loving husband that I wouldn't trade him with anything else in the world :))) Btw, An-Nur just gave me 1 pine of IV bag...balik rumah, still muntah tapi rasa better.

The next drip was also from An-Nur after few days  of getting the 2nd drip earlier on. Kira tak tahan lama. Sakit balik. Meraung balik kesakitan. Bergolek kat lantai. Heartburn yang buat tak tahan. It was due to the severe gastric that I suffered. Badan sangat2 berasid. Muntah asid kuning dengan banyaknya. Kira badan sangat berasid, apa2 makanan yang dimakan ditolak balik, asid berkumpul dengan banyaknya, menolak makanan dan menyebabkan heartburn yang sangat azab :( . Gastric jadi sebab perut dah kosong, xdak makanan and because of bacteria jahat juga, lupa dah nama bacteria tu. Drip dari An-Nur kali ini memang tak dapat membantu, memang sakit balik.

 So, the last drip was from the triage unit hospital putrajaya. Pergi triage balik, Alhamdulillah rasa lega. Then, my mom pun ada jaga , datang dari ipoh. My MIL & DIL pun sama datang jaga. My MIL bagi ubat gastric yang power. Alhamdulillah, bacteria dapat dihapuskan. Syukur sangat, making berkurang sakit. I really grateful for having such a good and caring MIL, macam2 bawak dari Ipoh, air penawar, air zam2, air Musoffa, ubat gastric yang mahal only to help me. Alhamdulillah, syukrannn.

 Too many things to tell actually, but tak terlarat pulak hehe.

All in all, my first pregnancy really has taught me the meaning of love, patient, and family value in my life.

Now, i am in my 32 weeks of pregnancy, really have to gear up for the preparation for  birth. Many things need to be done.. Pack bag for me & baby, cari nama for baby, kemas barang baby, read up as much as I can for my knowledge in birthing, breastfeeding , eee macam2 la lagi hehe...still not nervous yet, bila la nak nervous ni hehe...


23 Jan 2014


  1. Hello dear, i jumpe ur blogpost bile i google psl HG. I pun suffer the same thing, sampai i give up getting medical help, doctors just take it as morning sickness biase even i muntah dekat 30 kali sehari. I pun ade severe heartburn, itu yg i plg x tahan sekali. So far Gaviscon x berkesan langsung, n skarang i tgh ambil MMT. Zantac i baru try skali but still x ok... Blh tau ape ubat gastric yg u ambil? Thanx alot dear. Finally jumpe someone with the same problem.

  2. hello dear, so so soryy!!! i baru je noticed yang ada comment from u i thought takda siapa yang baca my blog. i pray that u dah lepas ur morning sickness stage or u dah selamat deliver? hope all went well for u.

    i guna gaviscon , zantac n mcam2 lagi yg beli kat farmasi. tp yg dpat mmbantu, dgn izin Allah, satu ubat ni nama dia controloc. boleh beli kat farmasi agak mahal sikit tapi insyaALLAH dpt mmbantu. mmg perlukan kesabaran dengan sickness ni, makan ubat ape pun, the sickness will be there 24hrs.

    hopefully u dh lepas stage morning sickness dear!! ;)))


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