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Of being patriotic, local brands and social status of Malaysians

WARNING! This is a serious post. No emojis used, to show how serious it is. Ladies and gentlemen, behold! 

You hate wearing locals. You make fun of our national cars. You condemn when our home-grown fashion labels set a high price so that they have the same standard as the international brands. You think that your social status determined by the overseas brands you own. You make it a must for an overseas vacation every year even though you never travel across your own country.

Sorry to ask, but may I know how patriotic are you towards your own country? you actually love your country or the truth is that you just accept the fact that you were born in your country and you can do nothing about it but if given options, you would love to change your citizenship? It's okay, keep your answer to yourself.

I don't want to stress on how patriotic you should be, because it's all in your heart, you choose what you wanna love, love can't be forced, if your love for your country is not deep enough, then, it's about you, the root of the cause is in you, not due to the weakness of your country.

As for me, I was born to be a patriot. The patriotism quality just came naturally to me since I was a little girl. I love this country, Malaysia. I am a proud Malaysian to the extent that I give support to our local brands no matter how nasty reviews made about them. For example, Proton Saga. I own one. I heard, not just I, you heard it too, how troublesome a Proton Saga can be, in term of windows, doors, and so on, but it never stopped me from getting one for me. Anyhow, not just Proton, big names in automotive industry do make mistakes here and there in their productions too. I used to do a public speaking topic on national cars, and that time, I was still a student who didn't own a car. I told the class that I believe everyone must own a national car in support of our own automotive industry. And now, just what I had said 9 years ago, I am glad I walked the talk.

Having a national car doesn't mean that you are in the low social class, doesn't mean that you are not doing as great as your friends. I know, we can never read people minds, let alone guessing people hearts, everyone has their own taste in cars, you can never assume someone who is driving a Honda as a disloyal citizen to his country. But, there are citizens of Malaysia who think that those who drive Proton are those in the lower income group , can't afford to get their hands on Honda. This kind of mentality is so bad, I'm telling you. It is so bad that to some people who have low self-confidence, they tend to strangle their necks by getting loans commitment only to have the image of rich people, according to most Malaysians who think rich people don't drive Proton. What a sickening society! If you hate the brand, just keep it to yourself, never ever blurt your sick views to others who are positively support the national growth and passionately showing the love to country through their purchasing power.

Talking about patriotism in me, I love Proton, Perodua, dUCk, Secret Recipe, Old Town Kopitiam, Petronas, Rizalman, Syaiful Baharim, and the list goes on. I drive Proton not because I can't afford to have Honda. (Note : I don't want to talk on how much is my net worth by date. This blog is not for me to commit riya' anyway). It's because of my loyalty to this country. I might think of an international car as my second car in the future anyway. See, I don't limit myself when it comes to brands preferences while showing my support to the local brands. 


Again, I got myself some of dUCK collections, not because I love to splurge on something petty for most of you, yes, I know most people think it's ridiculous to spend hundreds on hijabs, but, because of the brand itself, the reputation and the good names of Malaysia that it carries  and the team works hard to bring it to the international level. When it is exclusively priced, packaged and marketed, it can be with other international brands in the international market as well. What a smooth move, only through hijabs!

I love fashions, I love high quality international goods but I never ever look down on our local goods, in spite of their weaknesses. If I don't favour the quality level of the goods, I just keep it to myself without spreading hates on them. And I never look down on people who drive Proton Saga.

Credit :

Credit : Pinterest

Credit : BrainyQuote

-Serious Nisha-


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