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Last year's Ramadhan, I was busy with my confinement after delivered Noah , hence, I was out of loop (actually I was not a duckie yet that time haha, eh actually I was already a  duckie but I only owned one Duck at that moment which is the KL Duck!), about the LE Eid Duck Songket. I am so in love with the Songket Duck and I already got it hehhee, I have 2 out of 4 from the collection. Doesn't care I got them this year , their design are never out of style, everlasting motives like songket will never go out of style ,ok!
I love songket, batik, and everything to do with artistry. Now come the Alhambra which is inspired from the great Islamic empire's palace and fortress, which is absolutely a great piece of art, do you think I will let this go sold out? Of course, NO!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I really admire Islamic arts, Oh My God, I really really love them and it's just my rezeki this year to own one of the pieces from the Alhambra Duck collection. Alhamdulillah, Thank You Allah!😍😍😍. In fact, I am reminding my husband epetitively about how I want our room to be decorated with Islamic art/ element, maybe a wallpaper displaying the art will be great on one of the walls hehe!😁😁😁 (moving out to new house, soon, InsyaAllah, can't wait!!)

By the way, I recycle whatever I have in my wardrobe, playing mix and match, for my Raya outfit this year. I love it! Coz I able to wear again those old (due to their age in their closet haha) but still great as new clothes! Jangan Membazir!! But, tudung taknak kalah la hahah, coz we hijabis have our hijabs as our crowns!!


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