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Showing posts from 2016

bad days

i am currently feel so so down about myself. my life. i know i should just focus with what i have, focus on my responsibilities and goals. it seems so hard for me to stay focus and it's so easy for me to let others pull me down and let all the negative vibes conquer myself. being a housewife,without any income, i have been thrown harsh comments by somehow people who are close to me. it's so sad thinking about it, so much pain. ok, now, i just want to turn every bad into good as much as i could. i need to feed my soul with only good and positive vibes. may these bad days (yesterday and today) pass and never return again 💪

How I Motivate My Demotivated Self

I've never dreamed to be a housewife. Staying at home, doing house chores, not meeting other adults for long hours and dealing with my kids' tantrum most of the times. But, life as it is, full with surprises, here I am now,  a housewife, a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I'm grateful for whatever life takes me to,  as all of that driven by God's will. But, there are times when my motivation drastically drop and make me feel regret with everything in my life. I get so much tired, I start to feel my master degree is a waste and feel that I am jobless, moneyless and poor, and of course, I feel that I hate my life in the end. I notice that all of the negative feelings arise when I start my day late, when I don't set goals (like what house chores to settle off during that day) for the day and also when I miss my Fajr prayer. And, another point, when I waste my times on famous Instafamous individuals , adoring their fabulous lives and start comparing with my boring norm...

It's been AWHILE!!!

Oh Em Gee!!! Lama giler tak berblog!!! Ok, guys, hahaha, my status now is emak beranak dua hahaha. Alhamdulilah syukur nikmat :) My second son (yes, another boy ahahah), is named after Prophet Noah A.S , his name is Syed Noah 😍. So much love for him, as much as my love for his brother, Syed Umar As'ad 😍 Ok, too many things I want to update here but now dah pukul 2am so continue tomorrow la hehehe. Can't wait to vommit all my ideas here! 😘 Ok Nite!🌜🌟 Love, RKA